ShatterStorm Productions Updates
|| 2002 || 2003 || 2004 || 2005 || 2006 || 2007 || 2008 || 2009 || 2010 || 2011 || 2012 || 2013 || 2014 || 2015 || 2016 || 2017 ||
14 November 2003
- Doggie Duo Updates
- "Culprit" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "Finally" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "The Gift" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "Honour" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "In the Saddle Again" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "Le Mort" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "Mortality" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "Past Revisited" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "Redux" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "Reparations" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "Revenge" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "Score" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "Tessa" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
- "Too Sexy" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
7-8 November 2003
5-6 November 2003
First off, we'd like to apologize for any errors to the website over the next few weeks. We've been slowly moving everything from our former webhost to our new servers, located at Please be patient as we move everything, attempt a decent-sized update, and try to get all the bugs out. And of course, we'll be trying to come up with easier ways to get the archives updated on a more timely basis now....
- Frisked & Conquered Updates
- Updated links to Tayla's stories in the CSI section
- "Heroes" by Shatterpath [various pairings]
- "A Lesson in Ambiguity" by trancer [Batgirl/Catwoman]
- "The Beginning" by trancer [B/H, B/DL]
- "Blink" by trancer [B/H]
- "Bloodletting" by trancer [H/D]
- "Going Home" by Ripley [B/H]
- "Jealousy" by perpetualblyss [B/H]
- "My Only" by Wizard Inc. [B/H]
- "Understand" by Jaycee [H/R, B/H, implied B/W]
- "Three's Company" by meremortal [H/D/G]
- "Girls Will Be Girls" by meremortal [H/G]
- "Loser Takes It All" by meremortal [D/G]
- "Better Late Than Never" by cheerful minion [B/H]
- "Comfort" by cheerful minion [B/H]
- "The Birds and The Beautiful" by cheerful minion [B/H mainly]
- "When Darkness Comes" by euryleia [B/D]
- "Thursdays" by euryleia [B/W, B/H]
- "Sound Effects" by Bardly [B/?]
- "Sound Effects, The Sequel [Regular Version]" by North [B/H]
- "Sound Effects, The Sequel [Self-Indulgent Version]" by North [B/H]
- "Dirty Girls and Dental Dams" by North [B/H]
- "Dirty Girls and Dental Dams: the Sordid Sequel" by North [B/H]
- "Dirty Girls and Dental Dams: the Sordid Sequel, Part 2" by North [B/H]
- "I Alone Love You" by North [[B/H]
- "Understanding" by North [B/H]
- "We All Fall Down" by South, North's Evil Twin [D/HQ]
- "Early Morning in New Gotham City" by cyn# [B/H]
- "I Was Only 17" by Mel M/Misty [B/?]
12 June 2003
- Mmm...Doctor! Updates
- "Janet's Journal" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter [JF]
19 May 2003
- Frisked & Conquered Updates
- "Apologies" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter [B, W]
- "Dreams Dark and Light" by Susan P. [B/H]
- "Geek Love" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter [B/H]
- "Here's Where the Story Ends" by Sulks [B/H]
- "Human" by Freya [B/D, B/H]
- "In Plain Sight" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter [HQ]
- "Keeping Her Warm" by BardlyWarrior [B/H, B/D]
- "Normal" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter [B, H]
- "Happy Birthday, Doc!" by Shatterpath [C/S]
- "Drinking Games" by Shatterpath [C/S]
- Fire & Ice Updates
- "Kerry and Sandy and Kim, Oh My!" by Wordsmith [K/S/K]
- Mmm...Doctor! Updates
- Completely redid the look of the site, so that it matched the rest of the SSP pages.
- "Kerry and Sandy and Kim, Oh My!" by Wordsmith [K/S/K]
- "100 Days On Tape" by Wordsmith [S/J]
- "Not Like This" by Wordsmith [S/J]
- "Siberian Heat" by Wordsmith [S/SM, implied S/J]
- "The Teaser" by John O'Connor [S/J]
- Updated "Thirteen Ways to Look at a Redhead" by Mosca [KW/EC]
- "Everybody Else's Girl" by Mosca [DT/WR]
- "Fever Dreaming" by Mosca [AL/JC/SL]
- "Explanations" by Meesh [S/J]
- "The Message" by Meesh [S/J]
- "Keep It Precious" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter [T/C]
- "Falling Forward" by Jakobine [S/J]
- Doggie Duo Updates
- "Keep It Precious" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter [TNG - T/C]
- "Astral Advice 1: The Beginning" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter [PtL - A]
- "The Longest Night" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter [PtL]
- "Overheard" by A. Magiluna Stormwriter [PtL]
- Challenges Page
1 May 2003
- "Smutty Afghan" Contest Winners announced
We at ShatterStorm Productions would like to thank the contestants who participated in this inaugural contest. Details on the second contest will be forthcoming.
28 April 2003
- Challenge Page
- Frisked & Conquered Updates
- "Realization" by angelfish [Jinny]
- Fire & Ice Updates
- Mmm...Doctor! Updates
- Updated "Thirteen Ways to Look at a Redhead" by mosca [KW/EC]
- "Home Again" by Mesh [S/J]
- "Stranded" Series by Geonn [S/J, S/f, J/m]
- "Farewell" by Wulleente [K/K]
- Updated "A Fine State of Affairs" by Marieke Vink [Kerry/Abby]
- Updated "And So It Goes" by luvinkerry [Kerry/Kim]
- ""The Two Hardest Words" by Susan [Kerry/Susan]
- "If I Knew What I Was Doing" by Susan [Kerry/Susan]
24 March 2003
- Frisked & Conquered Updates
- "The Difficult Kind" by Faithful Chosen [C/S]
- Fire & Ice Updates
- "Like This" by femvamp
- "Maybe Not Tonight" by femvamp
5 February 2003
- Frisked & Conquered Updates
- Changed the description of the site to make this the Archive for Our Favorite Servants of the Peace
- Added Birds of Prey to the fic quite yet, but we're now accepting submissions for this fandom in addition to The Division & CSI